There’s no getting around what’s going on. Earth is closed until further notice. Our country is all types of behind on like EVERYTHING. And I don’t know about you but as a parent, being scared that your kids can catch something potentially life-threatening is enough to make you lose sleep.

I think we can all agree that social distancing and/or self-quarantine is the best idea out there. If you can’t be in contact with someone that is carrying the virus then you can’t be exposed…right?

Questions, so many questions. I’ll be the first to admit that I have a hard time sleeping lately. As I start to fall asleep, I begin to imagine all these worse case scenarios in my head and sometimes, I’m reduced to tears. Maybe it’s the stress, maybe it’s being tired, maybe it’s the uncertainty.

It dawned on me that there are other people who may be going through the same thing. I’m lucky to have my kids with me all day and my boyfriend comes home to us after work every night. We have food on the table and warm beds to lay in at night. We’re still healthy and are finding things to do to avoid boredom. But what about those who don’t have a support system. Those that are alone, scared and not sure what to do. Those that are less prepared than other people.

I thought it might be a good idea to speak to them. My fellow stressors, worry-worts, and freak outers. Are ya with me? Have a seat.

Did you know there is a thing called “text therapy”? Nope, it doesn’t mean texting your friends complaining about this or that. I mean that there are legit therapists that you can connect with online and will reply to you about your problem. These aren’t bots or computers giving pre-selected responses. The psychologists and psychiatrists who participate are doing it because they’ve evolved with how the world lives nowadays.

It might not be convenient for someone to get out of work and go to therapy before heading home to their family. There are pick-ups at child care, there are softball games and dinner. Too many variables to mention but you get what I’m saying. Now, with Armageddon on us, it’s easier than ever to feel unhinged. We always have our phones on us and how easy is it to voice text a therapist who understands what you’re going through?! has got a system set up to be there when you need them so you don’t have to do this during regular office hours. Yep, they’re a 24-7 service equipped to help you in any situation. You follow some simple steps before you begin, (answering questions) to make sure you’re matched up with the right therapist for you.

  1. A simple assessment takes 60 seconds.
  2. You get matched with the therapist that will fit your needs.
  3. Pick the plan that fits your budget
  4. Begin your therapy.

Now I do realize that not everyone can afford to pay out of pocket for therapy. There are other sites that may participate with your insurance that offer the same kinds of services. So if your insurance will cover these services, why not try it out. Click HERE to be taken directly to a site that will allow you to browse through online options just for you.

I hope this helps someone who needed it right now. Even though we all have to stay apart from each other, we gotta stick together too!

Stay healthy! XO