By: Cristina Rivera

Yeah it’s harsh, but seriously I stand behind this statement. See, lately I’ve come across quite a few brides that have told me that someone told them they can’t wear a certain color lipstick or eyeshadow. I have even seen quotes/advice on social media telling people the same thing. I just don’t get it.

First off, let me say that makeup is meant to be fun. Anyone that tells you that you can’t wear a certain color is simply expressing their opinion, not an actual fact. If you walk into a Sephora or Ulta and the person helping you tells you that you can’t wear red lipstick it just means they don’t know which red will work with your skin tone. If you’re excited to try greens or orange eyeshadows and a quote you see online tells you it’s not meant for you, keep scrolling and try it anyway.

Yes, there is such a thing as color analysis and fashion stylists use it all the time when dressing their clients. There are some colors that look off on some people and some that look great. The thing is colors come in all different shades and though a baby blue might wash you out and make you look sick, a cobalt blue might make your eyes pop and make you feel powerful. It’s all about finding the right shade for your skin tone.

That being said, some people might not know what category their skin falls into and I totally get that. It’s not really common knowledge and so here I am to help you figure that out. Ready? It’s not hard at all.

Photo: Claudio Schwarz

Take a look at the inside of your wrist at your veins. What color are they? Blue or Green? If they’re blue, you have cool undertones, if they’re green you have warm undertones. If they happen to blend into your skin with no visible color, then you have a neutral undertone. This is important because knowing your undertone will help you find colors that will compliment your skin.

If you have cool skin tones, you will shine your brightest in bright blues, emeralds and, deep purples. You might also be able to pull off light blues, lavender or pink. If you have warm skin tones you will rock red, peach, coral and orange. Olive, gold, brown and yellow are also going to beam on you. Neutral skin tones are able to wear pretty much any color and it will most likely look amazing.

The thing is, these are just guidelines. You can wear whatever color you want! To say that a particular color doesn’t go with a white or ivory wedding gown is absolutely ridiculous. It’s white for crying out loud. It’s like saying something doesn’t go with black. It’s just not possible.

If you’re not sure what colors look best on you, why not reach out to a local artist in your area. No, I don’t mean at the mall, I mean someone who has been an artist for a good amount of time, not someone who is paid to add on sales or open credit card accounts. Do your research and don’t go for whoever’s cheaper. Remember you get what you pay for.

The moral of the story, don’t let someone tell you what you can or can’t wear, what you should or shouldn’t wear. Do what makes you feel good. If the mirror makes you smile, then you’ve picked the perfect shade. As for them? Screw them!

Photo: Scott Webb