Seasons change and as we get closer to back-to-back holidays and events, taking care of ourselves can fall by the wayside. Since taking care of yourself is essential so that you can then take care of those you love, here are some ideas to keep yourself on your priority list this Fall.

  1. Face Mask and Netflix– sometimes something as easy as a moisturizing face mask and binging your favorite program is enough to recharge yourself. Opting to do this at the end of a busy day, forces you to slow down and soak in the relaxation can only lead to enough energy to get things done. Click on the Netflix link to try them 30 days for free. They remind you 3 days early to cancel if you don’t want to be billed so there really is no catch.
  2. 5-minute meditation- let’s face it, we don’t all have a half hour to just sit and marinate in positive thoughts and thankfully you don’t have to. According to, 5 minutes of meditation can help to reduce stress, increase focus and productivity. Click HERE to check out their site.
  3. Hot Tea- One thing that can really help you get ready for tomorrow is drinking some hot herbal tea at the end of your night. Add lemon, ginger or honey to make it extra delish!
  4. Hot bath- I know they say that hot water isn’t good for the skin (the dryness you feel afterward) but adding some essential oils to a hot bath fixes that problem quick! Soaking your stress away while listening to an Audible book is a surefire way to take you to another place in your mind and let your stress float away.
  5. Journaling- Remember the days of “Dear Diary”. There’s a reason why more and more blank notebooks are being sold every day. Journaling can be a cathartic way to unload your stress and worries without feeling like you’re bothering anyone with your problems. There are a LOT of apps out there that you can use and lock in your phone so your thoughts stay private. If you’d rather write out longhand, pick up a pretty journal and a fancy pen and start to write. You’ll be surprised what a relief it is to just get your thoughts out.

Starting a self-care routine can be a bit challenging to stick to at first. Find what works best for you and set reminders on your phone. Maybe pick one to do every day or every week. When your phone goes off, get to it. If you schedule it as something you need to get done, eventually it will become second nature. You’re sure to be ready for what’s coming at you as the year comes to a close.

Which is your favorite way to unwind?