Finding myself ever so stressed out lately that I swear I find myself holding my breath! If you’ve ever suddenly had a head rush, it’s probably cuz you were doing it too!

Do you know that when I was in active labor for my first son (now 21) I forgot to breathe? Like legit, the nurse had to tell me to breathe because I was in so much pain that I held my breath. I would tighten my whole body and just not breathe waiting for the contraction to pass. This (for those of you who haven’t had children) is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you’re supposed to do.

Turns out it seems to be my thing. I get stressed, I hold my breath. I even find myself noticing that my shoulders edge up to my ears till I finally feel a cramp in my shoulder blades and realize what I’m doing. The tension is real people. So, I googled (cuz I also self-diagnose), and turns out there is a very real and very easy way to get your body to chill. Not surprisingly, it’s BREATHING! I found a website that actually guides you while you breathe. It’s called Calm and the website is linked here It serves no other purpose than to help your breath, which will help you relax, which will relieve tension. Simple, no-nonsense, and GENIUS! Its colors of light blue and white are calming and serene. There are no distractions and no ads. There are no pop-ups and you don’t have to subscribe if you use the above link. Just go to their website and enjoy.

It’s helped me oodles so if you’ve heard of it and used it, I’d love to know what you think. If you try it after reading this post, please come back and share! I’m hooked. Let the relaxation begin!!