Assuming you’re generally a calm, cool and collected person, please note that most people are in fact nervous on their wedding day. These nerves can come in the form of cold feet, excitement, stress, that feeling you forgot something etc. It happens to the best of us and usually right when we’re trying to stay calm.

This day is likely going to go in the books as one of the most important days of your life so why not let yourself relax and enjoy it whilst your makeup artists blesses you with their skills and your hairstylists creates a master piece (behind your head I might add, a place you can’t see). You can sip on a mimosa while listening to relaxing music (or thumping club music, shuuu, I’m not judging) and when you open your eyes, tadaaa you’re a princess ready to marry her prince.

Seriously, shaking hands, the waves of emotions that will likely come over you when you least expect it could in fact turn you into a mess, and having the HUGE responsibility of beating your own face and pinning the perfect coif might prove to be too much. Let the professionals do what they do and take that weight off of your shoulders. After all, royalty deserves pampering. Queen it up!