“You look so tired”, is just a nice way to say “You look like crap”.
I’m a full coverage girl and have been for a while. It makes me feel pretty but also helps cover those irritating imperfections that annoy the heck outta me. I found that taking care of my skin more and giving myself a makeup-free day helps but here are some things I’ve done that seem to really get rid of that “you look so tired” commentary I love to hear so much.
First, I upped my eye cream game. If you know me at all you know that I am obsessed with eye cream and have been since my 20’s. What I hadn’t done was change the type of eye cream I used to cater to the “character” I have now. In my 20’s it was all about prevention. Well, that and my eyes always felt pampered by using eye creams. Now, in my 40’s it’s about prevention and correction. I mean I get it, we’re all going to get fine lines and wrinkles, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to pave the way for them to show up sooner rather than later.

Eye cream with Retinol came into play in my late 30’s in an attempt to slow down mother nature as she scratched her nails across my eyelids. I mean it’s enough to have grays, the fine lines were adding insult to injury. So, my nightly eye care routing holds hands with my Retinol cream, and my daytime routine links arms with a moisturizing cream. Together, I’ve covered all the bags…er…bases.
Next, aside from my moisturizer, I also make sure that I use a peachy pink under eye corrector. Used sparingly in super-thin layers (we’re talking sheer as sheer can get) the brightening effect starts to take shape. A bit of foundation, bronzer, and mascara and I’m right as rain.
I know for some of you this may seem like a lot but seriously, compared to my normal full coverage, eyeshadow smokey eye, winged liner, etc, THIS is quick. This is not to say I don’t still beat the heck out of my face on the reg, but every now and then when all I want is to not look tired, this routine works every time.
And yes, I’m still exhausted. Lol. What’s your go-to for not looking tired?