Thank you, LinkedIn for helping me find my new favorite app!

It doesn’t work on my laptop, only mobile devices. Pretty cool that it’s compatible with my Samsung tablet, my LG phone & my HiMirror (which is a diamond in its own right and has a few similar features).

Screenshot of App Via my Android Phone

Use it while your shopping for your skincare or cosmetics. Simply scan the product and up will pop the ingredients, tutorials, instructions on how to use and honest reviews left by other users. How do more products appear? YOU add them! That’s right, simply by entering products you already use and leaving reviews, you will be helping a fellow beauty buddy in their future purchases. It’s really quite simple..

Available on both Android and iPhone everyone can take advantage of these features and help each other out. Think of it like texting your friends about new products you’ve tried or about a product you can’t live without.

Since you already have your phone in your hand (u know u do) give it a try and let me know what you think. for more info.

**feature image from Beauty Buddy Website**