Root Touch Up- A La Temptu
Everyone knows about airbrush makeup. Some know a bit more than others as far as what it does and how long it lasts. What you probably didn’t know is that you can also use it to touch up your roots! Yep, you read that right. If you need to, but don’t have time to, get to your stylist/colorist to touch up those roots or cover those greys, you can use the Temptu Root Touch Up hair color to take care of it.

It’s not just for women either! Men can use this too on their beards/mustaches. Or if anyone has thinning hair (hi ponytails that show a thinner hairline) you can make it look fuller! This pod is for the Temptu Air device so if you don’t have one, it’s probably a good idea to grab one. They’re having a sale right now where you can get the device and a free foundation for $195. It’s vitamin-enriched (B5 and Vitamin E) so your hair feels soft, not hard, or stiff. It’s weightless and not greasy at all so you can keep styling your hair as you always have. And to get it out? Just shampoo and voila! Click the link (Temptu image) on the sidebar and use my discount code crbeauty15 for $$ off!
Wanna see me using it on my YouTube Channel? Just comment below and I’ll throw up a video!
**Images from**